Namaste and welcome behind the curtains of Asha Travel!
We are delighted that you are interested to learn more about us. You will find here everything that helps you decide why to choose Asha Travel.
Get to know us! Especially in the era of “internet-anonymity”, it is crucial to be transparent and clear. That is the only way we can build trust.

Asha Travel is a newly established (08/2019) local tour operator. We stand for transparency, responsibility and fairness. Our goal is to provide you an unforgettable travel experience. But at the same time, enhancing the well-being of locals and host communities as well. We believe in Responsible Tourism!

Feel free to browse through our website and learn more about us. Get in touch with us if you have any questions at any time. We are happy to hear from you!

The team behind Asha Travel.

Local Expertise - Authentic and Trustworthy

Who can show you the beauty of Nepal better than a local Nepalese? We know our country like the back of our hands. Nepal is our home! We are living here day in, day out. We live the culture, the customs and traditions. Nepal is in our heart! We love our country and we wish to show you its magic and beauty.

With Asha Travel you will be guided through the “real” Nepal. As a local tour operator we assure you authentic experiences during your journey. Close interaction with local life is important to us to bridge cultural understanding. Our local expertise will guarantee you to discover Nepal in an unique way.

You will be treated as part of the Asha-Family. We will meet you upon arrival and we will be there for you 24/7 during your whole trip. A safe and comfortable journey is waiting for you! 🙂

Why choose us?

Explore Nepal with like-minded people

It does not matter how old you are, which country you are from, nor how much you have travelled before in your life. As long as you share the same desire for the new and the same overwhelming wanderlust, you are most welcome to join our groups.

Our travellers carry a strong passion to explore and a curiousness for the unknown. It’s the aspiration to see a new world and the willingness to learn from it that connects all of us. You will easily get along very well with your travel group. Sometimes even creating friendships for life.

We offer fully organised travel tours for small groups of maximum 6-8 people, highly personalised to fulfil your travel dreams. We are not sending you into a huge, uncoordinated group because we want you to enjoy your trip. It is important to us to keep a close interaction with our travellers. That is the only way to make sure that all your needs and expectations during your journey are met to your satisfaction.

Amazing Travel Tours at Fair Prices!

Travelling should not be a priviledge to only wealthy people. Everyone should have the chance to see different cultures around the world. Hence, our aim is to provide travel tours in Nepal at fair prices.

By fair we do not just mean affordable prices for you, but also prices that benefit locals as well! The money you pay for your amazing journey stays completely in Nepal! Asha Travel is a local tour operator with no foreign agencies involved. We work with Nepalese, we hire locally and we invest your money to enhance the well-being of locals and host communities in rural Nepal.

Our low prices are the consequence of not being a foreign travel agency!

Did you already know?

Our mission is to provide you an unforgettable travel experience!

Asha means Hope, Aspiration and Dream in Sanskrit.

Asha means hope.

Asha stands for the hope of a peaceful and respectful coexistence. By offering authentic travel experiences and close interaction with local life, we hope to widen your world.

Asha means Aspiration.

Asha speaks to all the aspiration that passionate travellers hold in their heart. The desire to see the world as it really is, the urge to explore and the willingness to learn.

Asha means Dream.

Asha symbolizes the dream for a better future by creating unforgettable memories. The dream for a new form of Tourism: Responsible, Local, Transparent and Fair.

Ready to discover Nepal with Asha Travel?

Do you have already itchy feet? Then have a look at the different tours that we offer. Don’t forget that each tour can be individualised as well. We are here to fulfil your travel dreams. Inspired by your wanderlust and combined with our local expertise, Asha Travel offers tours beyond regular guide books.

Browse through our website and learn more about us. Find out why we are the right tour operator for you.

Would you like to know more about the booking and paying process? Learn how easy and uncomplicated everything is with us.

Are you still unsure about your travel to Nepal. Do you have any questions? You might find the answer here.

Do you prefer a more personal contact? No problem at all! Get in touch with us. We’re happy to hear from you!